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The Holy Spirit Who Baptises and Fills -Ephesians 5:15-21
People often have questions about the Holy Spirit. The two most popular questions are, “How do I get the Holy Spirit?” and “How do I get more of the Spirit?” In our text, Paul clearly shows us the answers.
As believers we are ____________ in the Holy Spirit.
As believers we have ____________ about the Holy Spirit.
- It is not an ____________ experience.
- It is not ____________ for special Christians.
- It is controversial and better off ____________.
As believers we are to live our lives ____________ in the Spirit.
- Watch our ____________.
- Redeem the ____________.
- Seek to do God’s ____________.
As believers we are to be continually ____________ with the Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit is ready and _________ to fill us at any moment.
- We must be ____________ to make ourselves available to him.
What is our ____________.
- Determine who is in ____________.
- We must ____________.
- Remain in ____________.
“To be filled with the Spirit means the Spirit needs more of us.”
Life in the Spirit: “The Holy Spirit Who Ministers” John 14:15-20
Everyone experiences difficult times that sometimes take our breath away. And what we need is that divine spark from God to get ourselves reignited to move forward in faith and in hope. We have that in the gift of the Holy Spirit who accomplishes so much in our lives. He is a guide, a teacher, our peace, and much more. The Holy Spirit ministers to us in many ways, and He is the transforming power in the life of a believer.
The Holy Spirit is always ____________ us.
The Holy Spirit ____________ within us.
The Holy Spirit will be our ____________.
The Holy Spirit will be our ____________.
The Holy Spirit will be our ____________.
The Holy Spirit will be our ____________.
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Life in the Spirit: “The Holy Spirit Who Convicts”–John 16:4-11
Of all the gifts Jesus could have given His disciples, He chose to send them a gift of comfort, counsel, and clarity. The glory of the church is the abiding power of the Holy Spirit, comforting the church and convincing the world. We need the Holy Spirit in our lives as a conduit to become who God created us to be. One of the ways He accomplishes this is through conviction. The Holy Spirit is at work in the world
The Holy Spirit is the ____________ of conviction.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world of ____________.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world of ____________.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world of ____________.
What is our ____________?
- We cannot play the ____________ of the Holy Spirit.
- ____________ to the Holy Spirit.
- Be quick to ____________ the Holy Spirit.
Life in the Spirit: “Power For the Church” – Acts 2:1-13
Ever wonder about the Holy Spirit or had questions about who is the Holy Spirit? Today we are going to look at Pentecost, the event where the Holy Spirit came in and settled on the believers in Acts 2. This wasn’t some random happening, it was God’s divine plan foretold in the Old Testament. This had a profound effect on the church and carries the same promises and power for the church today.
The Holy Spirit was here in the ____________.
The Holy Spirit is a ____________ being.
The Holy Spirit is a ____________ being.
At Pentecost the church was ____________for the Spirit.
At Pentecost the Spirit ____________.
At Pentecost the Spirit ____________.
At Pentecost the Spirit ____________.
At Pentecost the Spirit ____________.
Pentecost shows us that God had a ____________ for the church.
- God is ____________ to His promise.