About Us.

Thanks for wanting to know more about Highfield Baptist!

We hope the following information about our mission, beliefs and staff will help to introduce you to our church.

Our Motto and Mission Statement

Love God, Love People!

By our faith in God, the work of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, we exist to Love God through Bible-centered worship, spirit-filled preaching and practical teaching. Furthermore, we exist to love people through close fellowship, compassionate ministry and a passion for evangelism.

When We Meet

  • Sunday Small Groups for all ages:  9:15 AM (Sept. – May)
  • Sunday Morning Service: 10:30 AM

HBC will endeavor to love God through three main actions

At Highfield Baptist Church we seek to love People through;

Interested in finding out more about us?

More information is available on the plan a visit page or if you have questions about Highfield feel welcome to use the contact us form to reach the pastoral staff.