Sunday Small Groups
You can grow your faith by studying the Bible and also receive encouragement and teaching from others in Sunday small groups. Small groups provide a more informal setting where you can ask questions and discuss what you are learning. Highfield offers classes for all ages so your children can learn at their level and have fun with their peers. Adults often have a choice of different topics that you can select. Sunday small groups are offered from Sept to May and meet at 9:15 AM. New classes are launched in Sept. and Jan. but you can join in at any time. A group study could be the next step in your faith journey!

Bible Study
Small groups are not just for Sundays! We have several Bible study groups that meet during the week. If you’d like some extra study or the Sunday small group doesn’t fit your schedule, check out a mid-week meeting. The men’s coffee group, women’s Bible study, and missions society are some that get together to study, talk, and pray together. The youth group and young adults also have their own connection time which includes Bible teaching. Our seniors (Young At Heart) participate in events throughout the year that often have a teaching time as well. All of the groups welcome new members!
Prayer Team
Christians are encouraged to pray for each other (1 Thess. 5: 17-18). The prayer team supports others by bringing concerns, worries, and thanks to God. The team’s faith grows as they see answers to prayer in our congregation.
We share prayer requests through our weekly newsletter as well as on our website and also through prayer cards at the church. You also have the option to keep your prayer request confidential. We are thankful for each person that prays and takes other people’s concerns and cares to God.

I am interested in joining a group or getting more information.